During this difficult time it might have put your job hunting plans on hold, however all is not lost, there are still some places that are recruiting when a lot have stopped. See the links below for places to apply or find jobs:

Wandsworth WorkMatch - Job listings
Looking for a Job??? - The Supermarkets are hiring:
Aldi https://tinyurl.com/vzgdb6v @AldiUK
Lidl https://tinyurl.com/qntoz7v @LidlGB
Tesco https://tinyurl.com/ydhml2tv @Tesco
Sainsbury's https://tinyurl.com/st2qltn @sainsburys
Morrisons https://tinyurl.com/yx3o69ul @Morrisons
Asda https://tinyurl.com/rm8fa75 @asda
Co-Op https://tinyurl.com/y9seu98p @coopuk
Iceland https://tinyurl.com/uxn7zqm @IcelandFoods
Waitrose https://tinyurl.com/u88oy6h @waitrose
Would you like to help the farmers by picking fruit? Visit https://pickforbritain.org.uk
WorkMatch and BASE are 2 other organisations that can help with finding local jobs for local people.